How Often Should You Wash Your Bra – Explained

How Often Should You Wash Your Bra

When you work in the lingerie industry, people often ask incredibly awkward questions about their underwear. This usually happens in public, just when you’re trying to pick up packages, walk your dog, buy some milk, or enjoy an appetizer at a party.

I’ve learned that most people tend to ask the same questions repeatedly. Not everyone receives a thorough education about lingerie and how to care for it, even though many of us feel we should know something about it and how to take care of our bras properly. If you find yourself in this category of lingerie-wearing consumers, you are definitely not alone.

Today, I’m going to address some of the most frequently asked questions! There’s no shame in wanting more information, so feel free to leave any additional questions you have in the comments, and I’ll do my best to answer them.

**How often do you really need to wash your bra?**

People usually ask this question in the summer. While it’s a valid question, it’s not always easy to plan for. Handwashing can be time-consuming, and everyone is busy. It can be challenging to set aside time for washing and have your favorite bras out of commission for a few days, but I promise it’s worthwhile.

The answer depends on the individual. Most people should wash their bras every other wear in the summer and less often in colder months. If you’re sweating heavily in your favorite bra three or four days a week, then you should definitely wash it more frequently. This is about more than just odor: sweat can break down elastics and significantly shorten your bra’s lifespan over time.

**Can I really not put my bra in the washer and dryer?**

Everyone I know cheats and washes their bras in the washing machine, even my own mother! While it’s common and I’ve even done it in emergencies, you should really avoid this whenever possible. If you must use the washing machine, at least place your bra in a lingerie bag.

However, whatever you do, do not put your bra in the dryer—ever. Heat is the greatest enemy of elastic and will quickly destroy your bra. Don’t even be tempted to use the air fluff cycle.